Our authors
Cilas Kemedjio
Etudes françaises et francophones
Université de Rochester

Cilas Kemedjio est Professeur of French and Francophone Studies au Département des Langues et cultures modernes de l’Université de Rochester. Ses travaux portent sur la mémoire de l’esclavage, la décolonisation de l’infrastructure théoriques des littératures postcoloniales, la représentation du corps, la “mutilation anthropologique” et les investigations critiques des interventions humanitaires en Afrique, notamment dans les productions littéraires et culturelles. Kemedjio a publié des livres sur Maryse Condé, Édouard Glissant et Mongo Beti. Ses dernières publications incluent “Maryse Condé: A Consciousness of the Black World.” Translated from the French by Nadrah Mohammed. Yale French Studies, 140 (2021) Special issue on Maryse Condé, pp. 48-65; “Migration, Literary Imagination, and Mirages in the Francophone Text: Paths to Anthropological Mutilation” (A Companion to African Literatures. Edited by Olankule George. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2021, pp. 333-349), “The Economy of Humanitarianism”, The Oxford Handbook of the Economy of Cameroon. Edited by Célestin Monga: Cambridge: Oxford University Press, 2022, pp.731-752. Cecelia Lynch and Cilas Kemedjio, Eds. “Who Gives to Whom”: Reframing Africa in the Humanitarian Imaginary. (Palgrave Macmillan 2024). Kemedjio prepare actuellement un manuscript sur le Malentendu humanitaire.
Cilas Kemedjio is a Professor of French and Francophone Studies in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Rochester. His work focuses on the memory of slavery, the decolonization of theoretical frameworks in postcolonial literatures, the representation of the body, "anthropological mutilation," and critical investigations of humanitarian interventions in Africa, particularly in literary and cultural productions. Kemedjio has authored books on Maryse Condé, Édouard Glissant, and Mongo Beti. His recent publications include "Maryse Condé: A Consciousness of the Black World" (Translated from the French by Nadrah Mohammed. Yale French Studies, 140 (2021) Special issue on Maryse Condé, pp. 48-65); "Migration, Literary Imagination, and Mirages in the Francophone Text: Paths to Anthropological Mutilation" (A Companion to African Literatures. Edited by Olankule George. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2021, pp. 333-349); "The Economy of Humanitarianism" in The Oxford Handbook of the Economy of Cameroon. Edited by Célestin Monga: Cambridge: Oxford University Press, 2022, pp.731-752. He is also co-editor with Cecelia Lynch of "Who Gives to Whom": Reframing Africa in the Humanitarian Imaginary (Palgrave Macmillan 2024). Kemedjio is currently preparing a manuscript on the Humanitarian Misunderstanding.