Ethical Charter
The ethical charter of Global Africa outlines the responsibilities of each actor in the editorial process (editors, authors, reviewers, translators), who are presumed to have read it and commit to adhering to it, with the constant concern of ensuring scientific quality, independence, and transparency in publication.
Since November 2023, Global Africa has signed the San Francisco Declaration On Research Assessment (DORA), which recognizes the need to improve the way research results are assessed to go beyond widely used metrics (e.g. journal impact factor). As a DORA signatory, Global Africa is committed to fostering excellence in research funding and ensuring that fair value is given to a wide variety of research outputs in the evaluation process. The study of alternatives for fairly evaluating the quality of research, including the examination of different types of research output, enables the work of researchers to be assessed on its own merits.
Charter of Editors
Authors' articles are selected based solely on their scientific and intellectual quality, without distinction of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, nationality, university affiliation, or political stance. The editorial board takes into account, in its decisions, legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement, or plagiarism.
The editor-in-chief is responsible for the content of the entire journal, including special issues. Articles from thematic issues are subject to the same editorial process as varia articles, including double blind peer review. For thematic issues, the editor-in-chief and designated members of the editorial board supervise the work of the guest editor(s).
The editorial board selects articles with a strong emphasis on impartiality. It pays particular attention to articles contributing to scientific discourse. Any article presenting a relevant critique of another article published in the journal may be published. Moreover, any author may provide a response to a critique published in the journal against their article.
The rigor of the article evaluation process will prevent the publication of unreliable research results, plagiarisms, or falsified data. In the event that the editorial committee of the journal receives texts with dubious claims or unreliable results, it will apply the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) or any equivalent recommendations.
Charter of Authors
Originality and Plagiarism
Authors must ensure that their article is original and refrain from publishing any text, in any form that could be considered as counterfeiting, as defined by the French Intellectual Property Code. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements are considered unethical in scientific publication and will not be published in the journal. The journal employs anti-plagiarism software Compilatio to check articles upon submission.
Multiple, Redundant or Simultaneous Publications
Authors commit not to submit an article that has been previously published in another journal, or a new article that relies exclusively on work already published elsewhere. Likewise, authors commit not to submit their article to multiple journals simultaneously.
Any citation (or use of other authors' work) must be identified as such and accompanied by the appropriate references, presented in the format typically used by the journal. If the author wishes to use information obtained privately (conversation, correspondence), they should make every effort to obtain permission from the individuals who are the source of this information.
The list of authors should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, implementation, or interpretation of the study presented in the submitted text to the journal, or in the writing of this text. All authors must be mentioned, along with their affiliation, in alphabetical order or according to their degree of involvement in the realization of this study or in the writing of this text. The author who is in contact with the journal must ensure that only appropriate co-authors are included in the list of authors, and that all co-authors, after seeing and approving the final version of their text, have agreed to submit this article for publication.
Defamatory Statements
Authors commit not to exceed, in the submitted articles, the rules of scientific debate and not to make defamatory statements, which could be interpreted as damaging to the reputation of a third party.
Conflict of Interest
Authors must declare any potential conflict of interest, professional or financial. All sources of non-public funding behind the research presented in the submitted text must be explicitly mentioned.
Any author who discovers, after publication, a significant error or inaccuracy in their own work, is obligated to promptly inform the journal's editorial committee and cooperate with them to publish an erratum, or even to indicate the withdrawal of their article. If the editorial committee or the editor of the journal learns, from a third party, that an already published article contains a significant error, they must inform the author. The latter must then request the withdrawal of their article, correct it, or provide evidence justifying its validity.
Access to Raw Data
Upon request of the editorial committee, authors may be invited to provide raw data related to their research. Authors commit, to the extent possible, to provide public access to this data and therefore to retain it for a reasonable period after publication. If the article is based on clinical cases involving real situations, the author undertakes to respect the anonymity of the individuals they refer to.
Digital Publication
Authors commit, when submitting their article, to authorize its distribution in digital format - particularly on the journal's website and partner portals.