Current school
First Class
NIAMEY, 2022
For this first edition, 15 young researchers from diverse backgrounds have been selected to be trained in scientific writing by eminent personalities from the African and international academic world who will be their mentors during and after the training workshop. The selected candidates were chosen based on their applications submitted in response to the call for applications issued by the program a few months earlier, on the theme 'Decolonizing the Future of Public Administration in Africa'

Niamey, 2022
Decolonizing the Future of
Public Administration in Africa
The Juniors researchers' Institute, for its first session, was held in Niamey from February 4 to 12, 2023. It is connected to issue 6 of Global Africa Journal which focuses on African Public Administrations (APA), under the title “Decolonizing the Future of Public Administration in Africa".
Such an object unquestionably arouses the interest of researchers concerned with understanding the dynamics of the state, as they take shape and develop in Africa. It is a subject open to multidisciplinarity which is today at the heart of reflections in the social sciences. Consequently, the selected candidates intend to contribute validly to the renewal of knowledge on a subject recognized for its high strategic content in reflections on the State in Africa.
The laureates

Paul Derrick Dang A Goufan
Ecole normale supérieure d’enseignementTechnique (ENSET).Université d’Ebolowa
Cameroonian Tourism Administration: A Reflection of French Tourist Institutions. Analysis of Designations and Institutional Prerogatives
Paul Derrick Dang A Goufan wrote a thesis in the history of international relations, defended at the University of Douala. His research delves into the international projection of Cameroon in the field of tourism from 1960 to 2014. With numerous publications to his credit, his areas of interest encompass the history of international relations, international tourism, cultural policies, and the dynamics of sub-regional integration. He serves as an Assistant in the Department of Tourism and Hospitality at the Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC) of the University of Ebolowa in Cameroon.

Chukwudi Gbadebo Njoku
Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND)
Colonial Policies and Nigeria’s Socio-economic and Political and Development
Chukwudi is a geographer, environmentalist and peacebuilder. He uses his experience and skills in research, capacity building and geographic information systems (GIS) to provide solutions to social, economic and environmental problems. He holds a PhD in Population and Development Studies from the University of Calabar, where he studied the effects of socio-ecological factors on herder-farmer conflicts in Nigeria. He has also published widely on solution-based research on issues such as climate change, conflict, access to clean water, among others. Chukwudi has had the opportunity to contribute to prestigious conferences such as Globelics in Ghana, NetSci-X in Japan, and the Model-based Evidence on Innovation and Development (MEIDE) conference at the United Nations University in Côte d'Ivoire. He has also participated in programs organized by the French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA), the African Network for the Economics of Learning, Innovation and Capacity Building Systems (AFRICALICS), etc.

Lassana Toure
Université de Ségou
Decolonizing African Public Administrations through Self-driven Reforms: Building an Effective Public Administration for the Well-being of its Citizens.
Toure is currently serving as an Assistant Professor at the University of Ségou in Mali. He is the head of the Department of Agroeconomics and Agricultural Extension at the Faculty of Agronomy and Animal Medicine (FAMA). His instructional portfolio includes courses in Economic Analysis, Econometrics, Macroeconomics, Agricultural Economics, and Project Management.
Author of numerous publications on various topics related to development economics, particularly in agricultural economics, Toure is affiliated as a researcher with the Center for Expertise and Applied Research in Development (CERAD). A graduate of the University of Paris Est Créteil and UCAD, his research spans a relatively diverse range of topics, including agricultural credit, economic development, agricultural productivity, and climate change.

Amanda J Lieto
Africa University
Decolonizing the Future of Public Administration in Africa: Towards an Innovation Driven En-gendered Public Administration
Amanda Jane Lieto is a PhD Candidate at Africa University in Zimbabwe. She focuses on governance and her thesis is titled: The impact of climate related disasters on women smallholder banana farmers and food household security in Chipinge. She holds a master’s degree in Public Policy and Governance and her areas of interest are public policy, food security, gender, climate change, migration, economic justice, and resilience. She has published peer reviewed journal articles with the Journal for Public Policy in Africa. She consults widely in the space of women’s economic empowerment and financial inclusion, smart agriculture, and leadership. She is also the Southern Africa regional resource mobilization coordinator for Africans Rising a pan African movement that works across Africa. She was awarded the Women Economic Forum WEF, Iconic Woman Making the World a Better Place award and the Global Student Entrepreneur Award where she represented Zimbabwe in Washington DC as a tech entrepreneur.

Charly Tsala Ondobo
Université de Ngaoundéré
Exploring the Potential of Digital Transformation in African Public Administration to Enhance the Fight Against Corruption: A Panel Data Analysis
Charly Tsala Ondobo, phD student at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon, is writing a thesis in political and institutional economics, author and co-author of several scientific articles and collective works published, consultant to the Network of African Institutions for Local Government Financing (RIAFCO), head of the department of economic and statistical affairs at the sub-regional observatory of community integration in Central Africa (OBSIC-AC, Association), success ambassador to the NGO Interweave Solution and facilitator of autonomy groups.

Serigne Momar Sarr
Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor
Future African Administrators: Formulating? Reflecting on (through) Foresight
Serigne Momar Sarr holds a doctorate in Sociology from the Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis (Senegal) and the University of Strasbourg (France), and a DEA in Political Science and is competent in Anthropology. He is a lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD) and holds a position in environmental sociology. He is a member of the Laboratory of Sociology, Anthropology and Psychology (LASAP-UCAD-Dakar), of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC-Bloomington), of the Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française (AISLF-France) and an associate member of the Centre de Recherche sur le Développement Territorial (CRDT-UQAR-Rimouski) and the Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Transformations Économiques et Sociales (LARTES-IFAN-Dakar). He is the author of several articles and scientific communications, book and special issue coordinations, and panel discussions. His research topics and expertise are multiple.

Reagan Muhindo Muhesi
Université Catholique du Graben de Butembo
Involvement of Administrative Women in Decision-Making in the City of Butembo
Muhindo Muhesi Reagan is Congolese from the DRC. He is currently a post-graduate student in Political Science and holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the Catholic University of Graben of Butembo (DR Congo, North Kivu Province). He is a Lecturer and Research Assistant in the Faculty of Social, Political and Administrative Sciences at the Catholic University of Graben of Butembo since December 2018. In addition to supervising students during their final year and dissertation work, he assists professors in the following courses: Citizenship Education ; Introduction to Scientific Research; Political Communication; Political and Administrative Aspects of Development; Information and Public Opinion; Problems of Economic Integration. He is the author and co-author of two articles published in 2020 by Editions Universitaires Européennes and is currently preparing several others.

Loroux Serge Pacôme Junior Djokouri
Université Alassane Ouattara
Côte d’ivoire
Neo-villagers and the Bureaucratization of Chieftaincy among the Bété of Gagnoa
Loroux Serge Pacôme Junior Djokouri is Ivorian and holds a Ph.D. in Contemporary History. His doctoral research focused on the dynamics of traditional political power involving reformist village chiefs in the Bété villages of Gagnoa, Ivory Coast. As a researcher, he primarily directs his researches towards the transformations and bureaucratization of organizations in contemporary rural settings. In this context, he has authored several publications delineating the processes and functioning of these changes associated with modernization. Actively participating in various academic activities, he served as a member of the organizing committee for the Young Researchers in African Studies (JCEA) 2022 at the University Jean Jaurès in Toulouse. He has presented at several conferences, with his most recent presentation occurring on November 24 and 25, 2022, at the University of Artois in Arras, and focused on the role of stepmothers among the Bété.

Fadoua Mhidia
Université Internationale de Rabat
Observing the Implementation of the TAYSSIR Program through a Decolonial Approach
A graduate from the School of Governance and Economics (EGE) in Rabat and the Institute of Development Studies of the Sorbonne (IEDES) in Paris, Fadoua Mhidia is a doctoral student in Political Sciences at the Center for Global Studies of the International University of Rabat under the supervision of Mr. Jean-Noël Ferrié and works on the reception of public action. Her dissertation focuses on the implementation of the conditional cash transfer program TAYSSIR in the province of Chefchaouen in Morocco.

Sylvain Ndong Atok
Institut des Relations Internationales du Cameroun (IRIC)
Oil governance in Central Africa between Coloniality and Decoloniality
Sylvain NDONG ATOK holds a PhD in Political Science/International Relations from the Institute of International Relations of Cameroon (IRIC). In addition to military strategy, geopolitics and maritime geostrategy, his areas of research also revolve around regional integration, pan-Africanism, peace and security issues and the decolonization of knowledge in Africa. A prolific author, he has already written two books, notably Maritime Geostrategy in Central Africa (Publibook, 2022) and Maritime Conflicts in Central Africa (Generis Publishing, 2022), as well as a dozen articles published in collective works and scientific journals. He is currently a researcher at the Centre de Recherches et de Documentation (CRD) of the École Supérieure Internationale des Forces de Sécurité (EIFORCES) and a lecturer at the École Supérieure Internationale de Guerre (ESIG) in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Guy Roland Amoikon
Université Alassane Ouattara
Côte d’ivoire
Reflecting on Healthcare, Educational, and Military Public Administrations in Africa through the Lens of Transhumanism and NBIC Technologies: Exploring Ebenezer Njoh-Mouellé's Perspective
Guy Roland AMOIKON is a phD in Philosophy and a writer, a specialist of Ebénézer Njoh-Mouellé's African Philosophy, he has a solid knowledge of issues related to African development, culture, humanism, transhumanism, NBIC technologies and African politics. A committed intellectual, he shares his ideas during the workshops he initiates within the educational and cultural association AFRIKI-PAPYRUS, of which he is president since 2019. Guy Roland AMOIKON regularly participates in seminars, colloquiums and trainings related to the socio-economic and political development of Africa, inter-culturalism, international relations and pedagogy. A graduate of the University Alassane Ouattara (Bouaké-Côte d'Ivoire), Guy Roland AMOIKON is Ivorian and has written many books.

Ameth Diallo
Université Gaston Berger
The Impact of International Institutions, Foreign Powers, and NGOs on African Administrations: A Study of Selected Works by Ngugi Wa Thiong'o and Ayi Kwei
Ameth Diallo holds a PhD in English from Gaston Berger University where he lectures as an assistant while working on development projects implemented in the Saint-Louis area, in Senegal. His research includes African resistance to the global order, exploring alternatives relevant to progress on the continent using African literature and African thought produced by African writers and thinkers. In his research, built around postcolonial theory, he uses sociology, psychology and political science to deepen his analyses. Ameth Diallo has published several articles in journals such as the International Journal of Art Humanities and Social Sciences (IJAHSSS), the European Journal of Language and Culture Studies (EJ-LANG), and SAFARA (Journal of the Department of English at the Université Gaston Berger). He was a member of the 2016 cohort of the YALI program as a Mandela Washington Fellow at the University of Iowa.

Paul Edouard Messanga Ebogo
Université de Yaoundé II
The State Exposed by African Administrations: Nurturing the Reform Reflex in Light of the Pursuit of Public Action Performance
Messanga Ebogo Paul Edouard holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Yaoundé II. He is a member of the Center for Research on Administrative and Political Dynamics (CERDAP) and an Associate Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Group in Political Science (GIRSP) in Cameroon. His focus lies in the realms of Public Administration and Policies, with his primary and most recent works delving into joint public action, governmental in the planning of territories in crisis, governance and collective security policies.

Israel Nyaburi Nyadera
Egerton University, Njoro Campus
Trends in Public Administration Scholarship since the year 2000. Where are African voices?
Nyaburi Nyadera teaches the Faculty of Arts and Social Science Egerton University and the School of International Relations and Diplomacy, Riara University. He is a Charles E. Scheidt Fellow for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, at the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Manson University and was awarded the Kautilya Fellowship in 2016. Nyadera holds a TA fellowship at the department of Government and Public Administration, University of Macau. He has been a visiting researcher at the department of Economics and Political Science, University of Milan under the European Union Erasmus + framework. He has co-authored several journal articles and book chapters.

Sidnoma Nita Bellemsobgo
Université de Lagos, Nigéria
Burkina Faso
West African Public Administration through the Prism of State Governance: The Weight of the Past and Strategic Choices
Sidnoma Nita Belemsobgo is from Burkina Faso and holds a PhD in Public Law from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. She is an international environmental consultant and has worked for international institutions such as the World Health Organization, the Lake Chad Basin Commission, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the University of Trento (Italy), etc. She is also a correspondent for an environmental magazine called "Planète Verte Infos". She covers Nigeria and Burkina. Nita is a volunteer reviewer for Springer Nature, a German-British university publishing house. She is also a member of many associations such as the Environmental Law Commission of Burkina, the African Environmental Lawyers Network and the YALI Network. Naturally curious, she is particularly interested in environmental and human rights issues.
The Mentors

Cheikh Thiam
Amherst College
Dr. Thiam is a graduate of Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal. He received his M.A. in French from the University of Provence in France and his M.A. and Ph.D. in comparative literature from Binghamton University in New York. Earlier in his career, he was an associate professor of African American Studies, African Studies, and French at The Ohio State University. He is the author of Return to the Kingdom of Childhood: Re-envisioning the Legacy and Philosophical Relevance of Negritude (Ohio State University Press, 2014). Dr. Thiam has also served as editor of Negritude Reloaded, a special issue of the Journal on African Philosophy, associate editor of Research in African Literatures, and has published numerous articles in literature and philosophy journals such as Ethiopiques, West Africa Review, La Revue Africaine, La Revue du Graat, French Review, Research in African Literature, Dalhousie French Review, and Journal on African Philosophy. He recently completed the manuscript of a second book, "Epistemologies from the South: Negritude, Modernity, and the Idea of Africa. Dr. Thiam was also the Academic Dean for Africa South of the Sahara at the School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vermont, where he directed one of the largest portfolios of programs in Africa of any American institution.

Jean Pierre Olivier De Sardan
Born in 1941, and with both French and Nigerien nationality, Jean Pierre Olivier De Sardan is Director of Research Emeritus at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, and Director of Studies (Professor) at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France). He is an associate professor at the Abdou Moumouni University in Niamey (Niger). He is one of the founders of LASDEL (Laboratory of Studies and Research on Social Dynamics and Local Development) in Niamey, an internationally recognized social science laboratory, to which he has directed many research programs and to which he is still attached. He is a graduate of the Institute of Political Studies in Paris, has a degree in sociology from the Sorbonne, a post-graduate degree in anthropology, and a doctorate in anthropology. He is also Knight of the Academic Palms of the Republic of Niger, Knight of the Legion of Honor of the French Republic, Doctor honoris causa of the University of Liege, holder of the Ester Boserup Prize for Research on Development 2014 (University of Copenhagen). He has directed some 40 doctoral theses.
He has published numerous works on various dimensions of West African societies: on social structures and history in Niger, development, health, corruption, local authorities and electoral processes. Two of his books have become reference works: Anthropology and Development and The Rigor of Qualitative. They are often used in French-speaking universities (France, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland and West Africa) and are both among the top ten best-selling books of their respective publishers.

Mahamane Sanoussi Tidjani Alou
Université Abdou Moumouni, LASDEL
Doctor in political science (University of Bordeaux 1), habilitation to direct research (University of Bordeaux 1), associate professor of political science, teacher-researcher at the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences (Abdou Moumouni University, Niamey), full professor of CAMES.

Mame Penda Ba
Université Gaston Berger, LASPAD, ASAA
Mame Penda Ba, a professor and researcher at the Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis, is the first woman to hold a university agrégation in political science in Senegal. She was special advisor to the Rector and Deputy Director of the Law and Political Science Department. She is the director of the Research Laboratory on Societies and Powers in Africa and the Diaspora (LASPAD) and is the Executive Secretary of the African Studies Association for Africa (ASAA). She is a member of several international research networks and her work covers the sociology of religion, the analysis of public action (Education, Health, Gender, Decentralization, Security) as well as the recompositions of the State in Africa. She is also editor of the journal Global Africa and co-editor of the blog CIHA (Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa).

Mar Mbodj
Université Gaston Berger
Researcher with experience working in the higher education sector. Expertise in Educational Technology, Instructional Design, Curriculum Development, Teacher Education and Distance Learning. Strong research professional with a UTICEF Master's degree in the Use of ICT for Teaching and Training from Louis Pasteur University (Strasbourg I), Master's degree in Educational Research and PhD in Educational Technology from Laval University (Quebec-Canada).

Rachid Id Yassine
Université Gaston Berger, LASPAD
Rachid ID YASSINE is a lecturer at Gaston Berger University. He holds a phD from EHESS (Paris) and is a visiting professor at Sciences Po Lyon. He also taught from 2007 to 2015 at the University of Perpignan, and since 2015 has been teaching at the University of Saint-Louis in Brussels. Co-founder and deputy director of LASPAD, he is the main coordinator of Global Africa. A sociologist and anthropologist, he is responsible for the Master's degree in the social sciences of religions and also supervises several doctorates at the Center for the Study of Religion (UGB, UFR CRAC). His research work focuses on contemporary religion, human security, conflicts and war crimes, democracy and youth, digital technology and artificial intelligence. He is an international consultant and expert, member of various scientific associations, and editor and author of several articles, reports and books.