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Authors should submit their article to They must upload their manuscript in Word format, as well as the original illustration files. Figures should also be inserted into the manuscript.


After making the corrections requested by the editorial board and after final acceptance of the article, the author will send to the editorial board, the final version of his/her article in Word format, again accompanied final illustrations (figures, graphs, photographs, etc.) inserted into the manuscript and provided in digital format (.eps, .tifou .jpg) in separate files.


On average, the time between submission of a manuscript and publication is 40 weeks for a thematic issue.

Before submitting your article, please ensure that it meets the required standards.


The articles are categorized under the following headings:


Critical Issues

The texts can present either research results or a synthesis on a question, or an epistemological reflection, or a scientific or exploratory analysis which opens up avenues or directions for research. The structure of the manuscript must be included (notes, abstract, keywords and references included) between 40,000 and 50,000 characters.



These are seminal texts, old or published in languages which are not those of global research (African languages in particular) which are of substantial interest both for higher education and for research. A presentation of the author and the text as well as a reflection on its fruitfulness to think about our century will be required (between 25,000 and 30,000 characters).



This section seeks to promote the dialogue between the sciences and the arts and in particular how these contribute to thinking about the century (between 25,000 and 30,000 characters).


Shot and Reverse-Shot

This section presents interviews with major actors in African and global research, related to the themes of the files. 


The Interdisciplinary/Comparative File

This section is intended to share and discuss specific examples of inter and transdisciplinary and comparative methods, as well as their contributions and limits. These texts must not exceed 15,000 characters (spaces included).


In addition, the journal's website, a place for debate and scientific activities, hosts a continuous flow of book reviews. These texts must not exceed 10,000 characters.​


Presentation of Manuscripts

For all sections, the manuscript must include: 

  • A meaningful title in the chosen language;

  • The author(s) contact information (surname, first name, discipline and/or function, organization to which they belong, laboratory or service, city, country; e-mail);

  • The email address of the corresponding author, identified by an asterisk (*);

  • An abstract in the language of the article (1000 words)

  • For Critical Issues and RegARTs, a footnote (called from the introduction) must inform readers of the origin of the research. The author must also specify whether their work has already been presented at a conference, and in this case give the references. 

  • Five keywords: two keywords referring to the fields and themes of the journal, and three free keywords (e.g. dominant discipline [or interdisciplinarity], medium concerned, method, geographical area). 


The text, in Word format, is typed in Times New Roman font size 12 in black color, on A4 pages with 2.5 cm margins, 1.5 line spacing with no spacing before or after. Each paragraph begins with a 1 cm indent for the first line. All pages are numbered. Titles and subtitles will be in bold and/or italic without ever being underlined or in locked caps.​


The illustrations (tables, graphs, figures, photographs) are placed in the text following the call (Box 1, Table 1, Figure 1). They are numbered in Arabic numerals and accompanied by a short caption. The tables are in Word or image format.


Graphics and figures will be transmitted by file in .eps, .ps, .ppt, .jpg, .png or .tif format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and photographs in .jpg format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.


All artwork must be of high quality to allow direct reproduction. No editing will be done by the publisher.


It is the responsibility of the author to seek permission from the publisher and the authors concerned to reproduce any document (photograph, graph, figure or table) already published. The source must be mentioned.


  • Headings and subheadings are never numbered. Different levels of headings should be clearly identified: bold, italic, different font sizes.

  • The use of locked capital letters should be avoided.

  • Never use underline or bold. The use of italics will be primarily reserved for: Latin or foreign phrases, except for words or expressions accepted in common language (e.g., ultimatum, marketing, etc.); titles of books, newspapers, magazines, literary works, etc., cited in the text.

  • Acronyms are written in capital letters without periods between each letter: UGB, ECOWAS, etc. However, when an acronym forms an acronym (pronounced phonetically) and it is widely known, only the first letter is capitalized: Unesco, Unicef, etc. All acronyms must be expanded upon their first occurrence.

  • Short quotations are inserted within quotation marks within the text. Those longer than 500 characters are set apart in a separate paragraph, in size 11 with a left indent of 2 cm and a 6-point spacing before and after. Omitted passages in quotations are indicated by three ellipses in square brackets.

  • Footnote calls appear in the text as superscripts in automatic continuous numbering; the footnotes, in limited number, are automatically placed at the bottom of the relevant page, and they should not exceed 500 characters, including spaces.

  • Punctuation should follow the rules in force in the language of the manuscript submission.


Bibliographic References


The complete list of bibliographical references will be found at the end of the text, under the epigraph “Bibliographical references”.


Only the bibliographic references of works cited in the text will be inserted, and all cited works must be referenced in the final bibliography, in alphabetical order. In the case of multiple references from the same author, they will be arranged in chronological order, starting with the references of the sole author, followed by the works compiled by the author, and finally those of the author with other co-authors. The names and initials of the authors are capitalized only at the initials. It is advisable to avoid citing references that are forthcoming as much as possible. However, accepted but not yet published works will be included in the bibliographic citations, specifying the name of the journal followed by the expression "in press."


For drafting the list, please refer to the 7th edition of the APA standards available in their French version in the Scribbr guide available here or in their English version in the APA memo available here.


  • The publisher sends the proofs to the author with authorization for publication.

  • The author must return his/her corrections according to the instructions given by the publisher and within the deadline that will be specified to him/her. 

  • As soon as the issue is published, the corresponding author will receive a PDF file of his/her article as a reprint.



The texts of the "boxes" envisaged by the author (e.g., history of the topic addressed, clarification on various concepts, commented general statistics, definitions, various explanations, methodological clarification, etc.) should be inserted in Word format in the text following their call. The author must ensure that the length of these boxes is compatible with the total length of their text (technically, no more than 20% of the total number of characters).


Order of presentation​


The order of presentation is as follows:

  • Title.

  • References of the author or authors.

  • Short summary in the language of the article.

  • Title and abstract (in French and/or in English depending on the language of the article).

  • Keywords (in French and English).

  • Text with illustrations (tables, graphs, figures, photographs) and their captions, as well as boxes, inserted in the text after their call.

  • Acknowledgments (if applicable).




Along the Flow



Global Africa continuously welcomes manuscripts for its various sections to disseminate texts that do not fit into the different thematic calls for contributions but are related to the central or related themes covered by the journal. These articles will be part of the "varia."


For a list of preferred topics by Global Africa please refer to the editorial outline.


For any information on submission procedures, presentation and evaluation requirements, as well as our accountability policies, we invite you to explore the Ethics and responsibility tab.



All proposals for book reviews, critiques of documentary films, or works of art related to the themes addressed by the journal are welcome. For a list of preferred topics by Global Africa, please refer to the editorial outline. We also offer a list of books and documentary films available to the journal. Please contact our editorial secretary to receive a copy. The texts of book reviews and art critiques should not exceed 10,000 characters and should focus on problematizing the work. Authors provide a documented analysis of the contributions and/or limitations of the work.



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