Editorial Board
Comprising about a dozen internationally recognized specialists for their expertise, it is placed under the responsibility of the editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief is responsible for the content of the entire journal, including special issues. The editorial board is responsible for scheduling of the journal's issues, in conjunction with the scientific committee. It defines the content and the editorial calendar of the journal, invites scientific coordinators for dossiers, collaborates with them in the selection of proposed articles, organizes their evaluation, and validates revised versions. In case of divergent opinions among the reviewers or if there persists a doubt impeding arbitration, it may request additional opinions.
Members of the Editorial Board (in alphabetical order)
Mame-Penda Ba
Editor-in-Chief, Political Scientist, Gaston Berger University, Senegal
Faisal Garba
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Sociologist, University of Cape Town, South Africa
S​ara Mejdoubi
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Linguist, International University of Rabat, Morocco
Mohamed Jouili
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Anthropologist, University of La Manouba, Tunisia
Toussaint Kafarhire
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Political Scientist, African Studies Association of Africa, Ghana
Olivier Dangles
Biodiversity, Science of Sustainable Development, Research Institute for Development, France
Philippe Lavigne-Delville
Anthropologist, Research Institute for Development, France
Frederique Louveau
Anthropologist, Gaston Berger University, Senegal
Nadine Machikou
Political Scientist, University of Yaoundé, Cameroon
Uchenna Okeja
Philosopher, Nelson Mandela University, MA, USA
Mireille Razafindrakoto
Economist and Statistician, Research Institute for Development (IRD), France
Cheikh Sadibou Sakho
Sociologist and Anthropologist, Gaston Berger University, Senegal
Scientific Board
The scientific council comprises over twenty international figures, representing various disciplines within the realms of social and environmental sciences. Beyond providing intellectual assurance for the journal, it takes an active role in suggesting directions to the editorial board, proposing scientific coordinators for thematic issues. Its members epitomize the journal's transdisciplinary and global stance, encompassing diverse disciplines, perspectives, geographical origins, and languages of expression (English, French, Arabic, Swahili).
(in alphabetical order)
Akosua Ampofo (President)
Gender Studies, African Studies Association for Africa
Reda Benkirane
Sociology, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
Dominique Darbon
Political Science, Africas in the world
Souleymane Bachir Diagne
Philosophy, Columbia University
Mamadou Diouf
History, Columbia University
Fatima Harrak
History and Political Science, Institute of African Studies, Mohammed V University
Bouchra Sidi Hida
Social Sciences and Governance, Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa
Zahia Jouirou
Islamic Studies and Comparative Religions, University of La Manouba
Ibrahima Kane
Human Rights, Open Society Foundations, African Union
Foued Laroussi
Linguistics, University of Rouen
Cecilia Lynch
Political Science, International Relations, University of California at Irvine
Walter Mignolo
Anthropology, Duke University
Celestin Monga
Economics, World Bank, Harvard University
Pap Ndiaye
History, Science Po Paris, National Museum of the History of Immigration
Mbissane Ngom
Law, Gaston Berger University
Stefan Ouma
Geography, University of Bayreuth
Philippe Peycam
History, International Institute for Asian Studies
Estienne Rodary
Geography and Political Science, Research Institute for Development
Francois Roubaud
Economics, Research Institute for Development
Fatima Sadiqi
Linguistics and Gender Studies, University of Fez
Felwine Sarr
Economics, Duke University
Fatou Sow
Gender Studies, National Center for Scientific Research, Cheikh Anta Diop University
Ibrahima Thioub
History, Cheikh Anta DIOP University
Paul Tiyambe Zeleza
Economics, United States International University
Editorial Team
Mame-Penda Ba
Iconographic Thread Manager
Mame-Penda Ba
Publishing Secretary
Fatimatou Dia
Translation Manager
Fatimatou Dia
Editorial Manager
Mouhamed Koudous Amoussa
Editorial Assistant
Mamadou Lamine Diandy