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ACCRA, 2024


Global Africa & the CIHA blog


For more than a dozen years, Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa (CIHA) has produced a blog (www.cihablog.com), run workshops, and shared online courses. All these undertakings have been guided by our mission statement, which is: “to transform the phenomenon of aid to Africa into egalitarian and respectful relationships that challenge unequal power relations, paternalism and victimization. Our research and commentaries lean both on critical voices but also religious one so as to explore the connections that exist between issues of faith, governance, gender, and race in colonial and post-colonial contexts. Using critical thinking and open exchanges, we strive for equality, justice and, ultimately, respect for others’ desires, beliefs and practices” (CIHA Mission Statement). 


Our research and work with numerous African scholars and NGOs’ representatives, have reinforced our agreement with current calls across the African continent, Europe and beyond, to “decolonize” humanitarianism and aid in general.


But what might “decolonization” mean? And how to ensure that decolonization does not reproduce the pitfalls of previous attempts to equalize relations between powerful external aid organizations and African states and societies ? 


Accra 2024

Accra, 2024


Humanitarian Relationships and the Reinvention of Africa's Futures: Genealogies, Current Practices, and the Decolonial Imperative 


The end of 2024 Session of the Junior Research Institute will take place in Accra (Ghana) from October 27 to November 2, 2024.


All costs associated with the School will be fully covered by the ADLP and the JRI of GA.

The working languages are French and English.


The October 2024 workshop will bring together participants from Africa and its diasporas. Priority will be given to advanced degree students, post-doctoral scholars, and artists/practitioners whose research involve in-depth empirical or conceptual work, and who have shown a capacity to engage critically with their research topics and the concepts highlighted in this Concept Note.


The selection of applications will be based on the candidates' ability to identify and justify their research theme in relation to the theme of this session of the Doctoral School, to explain their problematic and their questions, and to detail the methods they intend to use. In addition to the suggested Review Essays, a particular attention will be given to themes that require fieldwork [that is almost-finished or completed], and to dossiers describing how this fieldwork was or will be] carried out.

The dossier must include :ā€‹
  • A note (5-7 pages maximum) clearly indicating (1) the research’s theme; (2) the existing body of knowledge/literature on the theme; (3) the problematic or main questions the research seeks to give an answer to; (4) the methods chosen. 

  • A letter of recommendation from your supervisor, if you have not yet completed your PhD thesis or research/creation thesis. 

  • Proof of registration into a PhD thesis or research/creation thesis program. 


Schedule : 

Receipt of submissions : until July 15, 2024; 12.00 am (UTC) 

Responses to applicants : August 15, 2024 

Mentoring : August 20-October 20 2024 

Doctoral School : October 27 – November 2, 2024 (arrival in Accra on October 26) 


Welcome to Accra

Welcome to Accra

Welcome to the Global Africa Junior Researchers’ Institute 
Accra 2024!



The Junior Researchers’ Institute is an immersive experience for young scholars exploring Africa’s future. This year’s theme, “Humanitarian Relationships and the Reinvention of Africa’s Futures: Genealogies, Current Practices, and the Decolonial Imperative,” inspired profound discussions on reimagining Africa’s path through a decolonial lens.


šŸŽ„ Watch our short video capturing the vibrant moments from Accra 2024 at the University of Ghana, showcasing the energy, exchanges, and inspiration shared among participants committed to redefining Africa’s humanitarian and developmental future.


#GlobalAfrica #JuniorResearchersInstitute #Accra2024 #HumanitarianRelationships #AfricaFutures #AfricanStudies

“Join us! Be part of building the future of research in Africa.”

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