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Global Africa is a project for the expression, dissemination and strengthening of research in the humanities and social sciences on the African continent through a series of activities whose core is the creation and sustainability of a new journal, Global Africa.


Global Africa is part of a context where, more than anywhere else, the challenge of knowledge production is a major issue. The African continent has 13% of the world's population but contributes less than 3% to scientific publications. Even today, while the elite of African researchers publish in international journals, the vast majority remain dependent on national contexts marked by local journals and often unattractive university presses. The crisis in higher education in Africa has indeed left the academic community without any viable, credible and efficient publishing medium capable of producing, promoting and disseminating the results of local researchers at the continental level and international, and of developing an essential level of knowledge to include African voices in global debates.

In most countries, the trade-offs between research, teaching, and consultancy are still made at the expense of research itself. This results in multiple and cumulative failures: significant aspects of ongoing political, socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental transformations remain unintelligible because they are not being internally conceptualized, and teachings do not evolve due to a lack of research. Additionally, there is a disciplinary compartmentalization of research, predominantly produced in English or French, and heavily dominated by men. All of these factors sharply raise questions about its social legitimacy and its lack of integration into society, meaning its ability to identify and tackle the essential needs of societies and institutions.

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Global Africa project is designed to simultaneously address these identified challenges. It aims to stimulate more independent and rigorous research capable of contributing to high-quality publications in the major languages of the continent (English, Arabic, French, Swahili). Strongly supported and driven by the journal of the same name, the project provides support to young researchers through mentoring, methodological workshops, assistance with publication, and increased presence in major intellectual forums. Additionally, Global Africa sets the goal of enhancing the ecosystem of continental scientific publishing, particularly by strengthening the capacities of human resources in university presses and among professionals in scientific publishing.

With a concern for contributing to current debates, both within and outside the academic sphere, Global Africa aspires to offer an inclusive and multilingual platform where African issues intersect with global concerns. It is conceived within multidisciplinary approaches, connecting humanities and social sciences, environmental sciences, and digital sciences.



The project includes a journal, actions to strengthen research in Africa and a digital platform for dissemination and resources. The program was co-constructed by four institutions, LASPAD of Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis (Senegal), the French Institute for Research and Development (France), the International University of Rabat  (Morocco) and LASDEL of Niamey-Parakou (Niger-Benin) who co-manage it collectively within the framework of a consortium. Nine other partner structures are added to it:​​ the African Studies Association for Africa (ASAA) in Ghana, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Senegal, the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE), France, the University of Manouba (ULM), Tunisia, Les Afriques dans le monde (AML), France, the African Worlds Institute (IMAF) In France, The Conversation France, the Virtual University of Senegal (UVS) in Senegal, the Network of Science Journalists of French-speaking Africa (RJSAF) from West Africa​.

Global Afric



Our team is composed of a steering committee and an executive committee.

The Steering Committee:

  • Mame Penda Ba (Director of LASPAD - UGB, former Executive Secretary of ASAA)

  • Rachid Id Yassine (Deputy Director of LASPAD - UGB)

  • Oumarou Hamani (Director of LASDEL)

  • Mahaman Sanoussi Tidjani Alou (LASDEL)

  • Laurent Vidal (IRD, Representative in Mali)

  • Marie-Lise Sabrié (IRD, Director of the Scientific and Technological Culture mission)

  • Abdelaziz Benjaouad (UIR, Vice-president)

  • Farid El Asri (UIR, CGS Director)

  • Magatte Ndiaye (Observer: Vice-chancellor of UGB)

  • Thierno Kane (Observer: Accounting Officer of UGB)


The Executive Committee:

  • Rachid Id Yassine (Principal Coordinator)

  • Mame Penda Ba (Editor-in-Chief and Partenership Manager)

  • Mahaman Sanoussi Tidjani Alou (Head of Young Researcher Institutes)

  • Mar Mbodj (Training Manager)

  • Marie-Lise Sabrié (Conferences manager)

  • Mouhamed Amoussa (Editorial Manager)

  • Fatimatou Dia (Publishing Secretary)

  • Delphine Huet (Communication Manager)

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