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Théoriser le présent et le futur :
Afrique, production de savoirs et enjeux globaux

Theorizing for the Present and the Future: Africa, Knowledge Creation, and Global Challenges

Makisio ya Sasa na Siku zijazo:
Afrika, Uundaji wa Maarifa na Changamoto za Ulimwengu

التنظيّر للحاضر وللمستقبل: أفريّقيّا، إنتاج المعارف والقضايّا العالميّّة

Published on:

December 20, 2023

All our issues




"Jaws, speak now before your heads become skulls!"

Global Africa


Ghana Must Go, 40 Years on.

Building Solidarity against Xenophobia in Africa.

Faisal Garba


Theorizing for the Present and the Future: Africa, Knowledge Creation, and Global Challenges

Uchenna Okeja and
Faisal Garba


Our Task of the Day is to Spearhead an Insurrection of Pan-African Ideas

Issa Shivji


Reparations in a Pan-African Context: Experience and Vision of the CARICOM Reparations Commission

Dorbrene E. O’Marde


Rediscovering Mahdi Elmandjra: Reflections on the Global South, Development, Technopolitics and Knowledge Production

Abdelkarim Skouri

Critical Issues

‘Becoming Someone’: The imagery of South Africa as a Destination by Ethiopian Migrants

Caterina Mazzilli, Faisal Garba and Jessica Hagen-Zanker


Collecting data on sensitive experiences and attitudes: a Malian case study

Olivia Bertelli, Thomas Calvo, Massa Coulibaly, Moussa Coulibaly, Emmanuelle Lavallée, Marion Mercier, Sandrine Mesplé-Somps and Ousmane Z. Traoré

Critical Issues

Introduction to iqbal philosophy

The quest for science and the challenge of complexity

Reda Benkirane


Reducing Air Pollution in Abidjan: From Scientific Ambition to Field Implementation

Marine Scandella, Véronique Yoboué, Sylvia Becerra, Catherine Liousse, Geoffrey Carrère and Ruth Vanié


Centering Germaine Acogny’s Contemporary African Dance as a Decolonial Tool for Africa

Samson Abiola Akanni

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