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Les Ateliers de la Pensée & Global Africa

Since 2018. Les Ateliers de la Pensée de Dakar (ADLP) in association with the Consortium des Instituts pour les Humanités (CHCI) have set up a Doctoral School whose primary objective is to contribute to the empirical, methodological and theoretical imagination renewal in the study of Africa and, more generally,

the dynamics of transformation in contexts of instability and uncertainty.

This 2024 edition will be held in partnership with the Global Africa program, supported by Université Gaston Berger (Senegal), IRD, UR and LASDEL. Global Africa's Junior Researchers' Institute (JRI) has been set up to help young African researchers integrate into scientific communities in the social sciences, thereby enabling them to play an active role in shaping the world's knowledge. The Junior Researchers' Institute is an essential component of the Global Africa project.

In particular, the School aims to introduce participants to contemporary transnational debates on new knowledge and global issues, from a continental and diasporic African perspective.

The work resulting from the joint ADLP & Doctoral School will be the subject of a special issue to be published in March 2025.

New economic paradigms: rethinking and reinventing the economic order

The 2024 Session of the Doctoral School will take place in Dakar (Senegal) from July 8 to 13, 2024.

All costs associated with the School will be fully covered by the ADLP and the JRI of GA.

The working languages are French and English.

Session 2024 will bring together participants from Africa and its diasporas. Priority will be given to those in the early stages of their thesis, as well as to more advanced doctoral students and post-docs.

The selection of the 20 applications will be based on the candidates' ability to identify and justify their research theme in relation to the theme of this session of the Doctoral School. to explain their problematic and their questions, and to detail the methods the intend to use. Particular attention will be paid to themes requiring fieldwork, and to dossiers describing how this fieldwork will be carried out.

To find out more, scan the QR code or go to the Schools page on our website.

Submission deadline: 12.00am (UTC), March 25, 2024

Applications by email: edadlpapply@gmail.com


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