Global Africa is launching its new call for submissions for its 8th issue.
Issue 8 of the Global Africa magazine wants to focus on the theme of the digital economy in Africa with at least three objectives.
On the one hand, question the current reality of the digital economy in Africa to understand its extent. What does the African digital economy represent in the African economy and in the global economy?
On the other hand, critically question this digital economy in Africa and the strategies that underlie them, with regard to the ontological, epistemological or axiological issues specific to Africa, with regard to its identity, its culture, its ambitions...
Finally, question the possible or desirable directions for the development of the digital economy in Africa. What strategies for a positive African digital economy, which truly benefits African populations?
In this special issue, we will discuss articles that reflect the African perception, reception and conception of the evolution of the digital economy.
Here are the details of the thematic entries:
1. Survey of the digital economy: research data on statistics on the contribution of the digital economy to GDP at national level,...
2. Epistemological, ethical and sovereignty issues around the digital economy in Africa
3. Legal, institutional, governance and regulatory questions around the digital economy in Africa
4. Digital economy in Africa and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
5. Digitizing informal economies: the digital economy and the reality of the informal economy in Africa
6. Talents, skills and industries in Africa's digital economy
7. Banking, finance and money in the digital economy
Until June 30, 2024
Important dates:
Deadline for submissions of first draft of articles: June 30, 2024 at redaction@globalafricasciences.org
Deadline for submission of final draft of articles: August 30, 2024
Publication of issue: December 20, 2024