This international symposium organized at Cheikh Anta Diop University aims to shed light on the complex relationships that occur on the African continent between the environment, health - human, animal, and biotope - and societies.

This international symposium aims to shed light on the complex relationships that occur on the African continent between the environment, health - human, animal, and biotope - and societies.The focus will not be on specializations - which are necessary, nonetheless - but on the relationships between the elements of this triptych. Relationships of causality, correlation, conjugation, exclusion; biotic, chemical, power, cooperation, and dependency relationships. It will be important to keep in mind that interdisciplinarity should be at the center of the discussions held during this event. The intersection of approaches, methods, and findings should allow for a new perspective - enriched by cross-perspectives - on the objects of study in health ecology and environmental transition, by combining human-environment relationships in the past, present, and future.
Call for papers: The deadline for submitting paper proposals is set for November 15, 2022. Each proposal should include the title of the paper, the name, position, and institutional address of the author(s), as well as a maximum one-page abstract. These proposals should be sent to the following address:, in the form of a Word file titled: Lastname Firstname - Dakar2023.
Registration: all participants must complete a pre-registration form, which can be obtained from: